Thursday, May 10, 2007

Hey It Finals

Dear fellow students in my class (classmates). I have posted my web site at . Please check it out test it. Comment on it please. The cost for this was quite cheap and easy, click on the link on the home page. I bought the beginners package. The free coffee cup HTML editor was easy also, but like everything else it takes some getting use to. The copy and paste, the putting links in took some time. Mostly paste in code and look and see in preview what it would look like. I do have plenty of tissues for a good cry, so tell me what you think. Thanks for everything maybe we should meet at Enzo’s on Oceanside Boulevard for brunch and talk. It’s near college Boulevard and Oceanside Boulevard. You can email me through the web site. Just a suggestion Ya ‘All. Russ


Janja Watson said...

Hello Russ,
very good start. You asked for it.....:
There's a spelling issue on the home page: "professionalsin" I guess that should be two words. Also I can not see the two pics on the contact page. Might be my computer??? I love the moving parts at the top but I would probably change the background behind the head-line to one solid color. It's very busy. Hope you don't mind the critisism...I do like the idea of your business very much and the site is great otherwise.

Russ Smith said...

Dear Jani: Thank you for your comment. I shall take care of the spelling. I will check the code on the pictures missing. Maybe just a path statement. I will need to get better at my paint program to fix the background I may go back to my original one. The critisim I really do not mind I need to know. If there is any thing I can help with let me know. And Thanks for your help.

Don said...

Enzo's is a BBQ. Do they have a good brunch? Some other students have told me they want to get together.