Saturday, May 12, 2007

Progress on my final

We’ll the story so far. I have my site posted on the web. I have changed a few things and will do more, as I get better at graphics. I have been testing the site with different Internet browsers. I have tried Avanti which has a cool mouse clicks for navigation. Opera, Firefox, Maxthon, Netscape and Neoplanet. But being careful I notice a lot of network traffic when I would use some of the browsers. So I checked for Spyware after each use of each browser. I use Lavasoft’s Ad-aware Se free version on my Sleekline P4 XP Pro OS in the garage above my workbench. I do have a few computers I have collected over the years. If any body wants a free Pentium 1 let me know. Here is what I found. With Avanti version 11 I didn’t get any Spyware infections the same for Firefox version 1.2.For Opera version 9.2, Maxthon version 1.5.9, and Netscape version 8.2. I had two for each one I used each time I used them. I tried Neoplanet 5.1, which can read to you as you use it. Had eleven instances of Spyware. (Please this is not about who uses which program for Internet or for Spyware scanning. As I have used the programs I have for years and have not had too many problems as I have tried different programs at different corporations and at home. That I know what works for me). If you must know I use Eset’s Nod32 for my AV. So my advice is be careful and check your Spyware program for the latest updates and that it is working. If you do not want one I wish you well. Most are luckier than I

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