Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Final Project

It's my turn now. I was wondering, if some of you could test my website. I specially would like you to let me know if any of the grammar is not correct or weird....
Thanks, Janja


MoxyIdeas said...

Really great job, Janja! I thought the grammar looked fine.

On your Delivery Time page, I would make "Return Policy" in the last line a link to the return policy page - so your users don't have to look around.

Also, on some pages, like the Delivery Times page, the heading "Delivery Times" is in Times New Roman, but all your text is Arial. I would make the fonts consistent.

The last thing I saw was that your text links along the top don't fit properly. I would give them a smaller font size or move the "view cart" link to the sidebar, so that "dive jewelry" isn't stacked.

Your jewelry is BEAUTIFUL! Best of luck in the San Diego design competition.

Great job!

Russ Smith said...

Dear Jana: Your home link at the bottom of each page I tried was not working correctly. I tried your site with IE. Opera and netscape. in opera it wanted to download the file. All the other pages worked. But any time you click on home it didn't work or came up with script. Do not forget to post your site on our discussion board at Mira Costa as Don has put the link in. Russ

Anonymous said...


I really like the colors for your site. The layout looks great. I also like the fact that you have a lot of products to sell. There should be something for everyone's tastes. Good luck.