Sunday, March 25, 2007

Money for this blog

How about adding Google AdSense to this blog. It would be a great way to show the function of the application and how it pertains to our class especially the lesson on affiliate marketing. We could then take whatever money is made and give it to a charity.

To keep up with what is going on with AdSense check out their blog.


Don said...

Sure, I'll give it a whirl. Thanks for the suggestion.

PrettyNoiseLab said...

Thanks Don. For anyone else out there reading these comments. Has anyone used Google AdSense or Google words? Nice to hear some success stories.

MoxyIdeas said...

So far, I've earned $1.63! Four days worth :) That's about five actual clicks, but over 300 impressions!

Let's just say I'm not quitting my day job. Oh wait, I don't have a day job! ha ha ha...if only I got paid per diaper rather than per click :)

But seriously, the key is to have lots of sites with ads. I'm working on that.

And be careful, class. If we click too much, Don will get kicked out of the program. They track these things...big brother and all.