A place to share thoughts and resources about E-Commerce.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
CIS191 Late Post Assignment here
CIS 191 Late students post here by selecting "Post a comment." Post a copy of your comment on Blackboard then reply to two other students' posts on Blackboard so I can see your work.
CIS191 LS Student
The social networking sites that I use include Facebook and Twitter. I have accounts on other sites as well but Facebook is my primary site for keeping in touch with friends and acquaintances and Twitter is my primary site for following blogs and organizations. I find them both highly useful for their respective purposes. Facebook allows you to categorize your ‘Friends’ into relevant groupings through their ‘Lists’ feature. Facebook then allows you to customize which content you send to and receive from these groups. Twitter has a character limit for postings which keeps blog and organization postings concise and to-the-point. I can use Facebook for my business by using it to see which ‘Friends’ (those starting new business ventures or those working on political campaigns) might need web development services. I can use my social network for early advertising of my services, to find my first few clients, and to build my reputation and portfolio. Seth Godin is an articulate and clever writer. He phrases things in ways that one might not expect and encourages readers to think outside the box. From his blog, the following comment made an impression: “The only thing worse than coming in second place in the race for student council president is... winning.” The comment is interesting because it emphasizes Godin’s point that all activity and effort should be directed toward meaningful goals. Many people in high school become focused on goals for the wrong reasons and work toward things they might not really want. This point also speaks to Godin’s video comment which I paraphrase: “The internet is like a giant cocktail party… What really matters is, ‘Where are the real relationships?’… The internet allows a whole lot of fake networking to take place.” This comment also emphasizes substance and purposeful activity over getting noticed and misdirected activity. Using social networking sites to cultivate real and meaningful relationships is the proper way to use social networking for business.
Online auctions I visit and use frequently are eBay, Amazon and Craig list. I actually sell books in Amazon and in the past I have sold electronics. Amazon is very simple to operate and the feedback system that they have, in my opinion is fair and useful. Also, unlike eBay, Amazon is much easier to navigate I think.
EBay is a great auction site but I don’t really like the fact that they get you with fees even if you item doesn’t sell. At least that was the case a while ago when I listed a few items on the site. I used the site now mostly to buy things.
Craigslist is great to find great deals!. I feel very comfortable in this site because I like to negotiate and I because I can narrow the search to a specific city, it makes it easier sometimes to just meet face to face with people.
As far as using this sites for my business, I feel Craigslist is a great place to advertise. You can set up an account with them and post as many ads, provided you follow their guidelines so you don’t get flagged! I have already open an account and I am testing it with a couple of ads . I like Amazon, too. It attracts a lot of traffic and I think some paid advertisement on this site is a very good idea.
I think the feedback system that eBay and Amazon have in place put a lot of control on who the customer wants to buy from within their websites. This feature makes customer feel that they have some control. It’s a big plus for the customer and for the websites. Craigslist also has a system where the buyer can flag an ad that is out of place or compliance. This feature also gives the buyer some form of control and it is good for both buyers and seller. Oh and for the company, too!
The original social networking site I used was based in Salt Lake City, Utah called the Lower Lights BBS (Bulletin Board System). I would dial in to the service via modem. Lower Lights provided text-based chat with other users. Each user had a public activity log and a journal space. When the web became available a user could connect via telnet and link to private web pages.
I have used WordPress, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, Bebo, DeviantART, Flixster, Flickr, Friendster, Skype, LiveJournal, Ning, LDS.net, Xanga, and Yammer as well as any of the Target, Wal-Mart, Macy’s Best Buy, Fry’s, and Geeks.com sites that I have registered with and actively write reviews of products.
I intend to use social networking and SEO techniques to expand the number of people who visit my web design service website. I also intend to use it to earn additional revenue through advertising and linkage to other sites. An effective tool is Google Ad Sense, where you are paid per click when people visit an advertised website from your web page..
Seth Godin’s Purple Cow was required reading for a previous course. The application of his ideas to marketing principles is revolutionary. A great example marked in his post, Do marketers have assets, conveys the idea that assets in marketing are represented by the ideal scenarios marketers are looking for (i.e. Building a brand people can trust, permission marketing, etc.) Sure, there are expenses associated with the acquisition of these ideals but the rewards can be far greater than the expense. In this case, it is harder to measure the difference between monetary and physical assets and idealistic assets.
Something a professor once told me stuck with me. “Despite yourself, your business is successful – are you okay with that?” Meaning, what you are doing is working well for you at that time, but it definitely leaves room for improvement. Social networking used properly is the ideal environment to ask this question. You can post advertisements everywhere, you can send out mass spam mail, you can do virtually anything “inside the code” to get more hits to a web site, but is it optimized to create the best possible image for your company? No matter how much you post, no matter how well you optimize your site for search engines… there is always more. Websites are organic in their development; they need contributions from people to help them grow. In today’s web-based world, taking the time to grow your business and optimize the way you promote your site is the best use of your company’s time and resources.
Social Networking: The social networking sites that I currently use are Facebook and Blackberry Messenger (BBM), that is an instant message service for blackberry users only. I think that Facebook and BBM are both valuable to keeping relationships, especially distant, ongoing and up to date. Facebook help re-kindle old relationships and BBM helps current relationships grow. I believe that both of them are a great way of establishing better understanding of others around you. To use either of these for my business probably wouldn’t help much. Facebook can help get the word out about my business by making a “Fan” page and give live updates. Other than that, there is not much it could provide for my business. It wouldn’t hurt it though. As for BBM, it wouldn’t help much either considering I can only talk to current Blackberry users. If all my colleagues had one then maybe it would help to keep e-mail and phone calls limited. From Seth’s video, I like the idea of “real relationships.” Going so far as to say a friend on Facebook isn’t really your friend. I get what he is saying but most people don’t aren’t always looking for random friends on Facebook. Keeping it simple and having these friends are because you have real relationships. Also, “ Real relationships, People out there I would go out of the way for and they would for me,” isn’t that an extended assumption of the famous golden rule? I believe in it and use it to the best of my abilities since elementary school. I believe the proper way to use social networking for business is to establish the relationships as Seth was mentioning. Become interested in people that are interested in you. Do a favor for someone that could provide you with some beneficiary.
Social Networking & Seth Godin’s bio and blog- What Social Networking sites do you visit/use? I have been avoiding it up until now, however I looked at “Meetup” and found it interesting. Quoting at least two different comments from Seth's video and blog: o What do you think about his ideas? From the video: He says facebook, or twitter it is worthless, because out of all the “friends” you have on these, they’re not really your friends. He says, “Social networking is always useful, when it’s real, and always a useless distraction when it’s fake”. I have been invited to join facebook by a multitude of people, but I only remembered who one of them was, and was never inspired to join. He asks, “Where are the real relationships?” This is just common sense. I agree that there is no reason for me to network with people I hardly know, through a facebook or twitter type of social networking model, if my aim is to improve my business. In his blog he has an entry titled the “Unclicking 84%”, and another titled “Some people are better than others”. “The challenge, then is to look for cues that people give you that they are better, and then cater to them.” Both of these blog entries address the idea of using internet advertising, to reach a specific market. Those people who would be interested in what you have to sell. Again, this is just common sense. Targeting your market has been taught in business classes for decades. o What is the proper way to use Social Networking for business? Figure out who and where the “better” people are, and social network aimed specifically at those people. Especially for my type of business, there are forms of social networking that would be extremely beneficial. I remembered one of my students talking about “meetup”, and thought this would be a perfect way for me to begin. I am thinking of starting my own meetup group that would meet at the dance studio, on the night that I have classes. I also believe there are other types of social networking forums that could have great potential for me. Especially those related to singles, or even couples who are already active socially, and want to dance, or may already be out dancing but want to improve their skills. Maybe a “professionals” networking group would prove useful as these are the people who can afford more “extras” generally. Creating my own blog could be very useful. I could provide a service to the dance community, such as a calendar of events or dance venues in town, making this a good resource for people, and giving them a reason to check my blog regularly. This would keep me on their minds, and they would share this valuable resource with their friends, etc etc. Seth mentions this type of networking in the blog titled “First Ten”. Also this one from Seth: Attention is fine, as long as you have a goal that is reached in exchange for all this effort. Far better than being noticed: • Trusted • Engaged with • Purchased from • Discussed • Echoed • Teaching us • Leading Lastly, “Opt In, Opt Out”. I do not like the idea of spam, and have used email very few times to reach my student base. I do think it would be good for me to at least send an email, and provide the easy “opt out” link so many have, but Seth’s blog makes me question this.
In high school, the most popular online chat and communication was MSN messenger. We would sign online and gossip and chat with all of our friends we had added. Since then, social networking sites consist of extensive photo albums, pictures with tags, mobile uploads, photo comments, private or public messages, blog posts, bulletins, customized layouts including colorful templates, music, applications, and videos. It’s unreal. The entire social network has blossomed into a mass form of entertainment. Myspace was my first networking for friends. But now, I find myself transitioning to Facebook. I think the main reason is more people are on Facebook. I have aunts, uncles, cousins, close friends, distant friends, and my Grammy even has a page. Listening to Seth Godin, I have learned the actual value of these networks if they are used properly. This is one secret to a business success to create real relationships by “exchanging worthwhile ideas” and it’s to consider and keep track of “are there people out there who I would go out of my way for, and who would go out of their way for me? .. And how you get there is by going out of your way for them, and earning the privilege of one day having that connection be worthwhile.” Learning the value of social networking can have on business, I think that using Facebook to promote a business is genius. This is because many of the restaurant owners know one another, social networks are a powerful way to relay messages and be externally linked to our website. I think becoming a member to Facebook for some businesses may be more successful than others, but I am willing put the time into it to generate business after the refined website is completed.
I have been using Ebay for over 10 years and have sold thousands of items. I focus on the collectibles aspect of the site. What I like about the site is that I have a marketplace that is international in scope. I also buy relics for my intellectual property company.
I do not use Graigslist.com as I am under the impression that it has generated bad press, and I do not want to deal locally with my products. I do recommend the list for people who are selling large items.
The main selling tip that I follow is using correctly spelled keywords. With such keywords, you may not know the value of your items but your costumer does.
In conclusion, EBAY is a God-send and I am proud to be a ebayer.
Hi !. You re, I guess , probably curious to know how one can make real money . There is no initial capital needed You may commense earning with as small sum of money as 20-100 dollars.
AimTrust is what you need The company incorporates an offshore structure with advanced asset management technologies in production and delivery of pipes for oil and gas.
It is based in Panama with affiliates around the world. Do you want to become a happy investor? That`s your chance That`s what you wish in the long run!
I`m happy and lucky, I started to get real money with the help of this company, and I invite you to do the same. If it gets down to select a correct companion who uses your funds in a right way - that`s AimTrust!. I earn US$2,000 per day, and my first investment was 500 dollars only! It`s easy to get involved , just click this link http://nekibiwyri.the-best-free-web-hosting.com/atutyf.html and lucky you`re! Let`s take our chance together to become rich
Good day !. might , probably curious to know how one can manage to receive high yields . There is no need to invest much at first. You may begin earning with as small sum of money as 20-100 dollars.
AimTrust is what you thought of all the time The company incorporates an offshore structure with advanced asset management technologies in production and delivery of pipes for oil and gas.
It is based in Panama with offices everywhere: In USA, Canada, Cyprus. Do you want to become a happy investor? That`s your choice That`s what you wish in the long run!
I`m happy and lucky, I began to get income with the help of this company, and I invite you to do the same. If it gets down to select a correct partner who uses your money in a right way - that`s the AimTrust!. I earn US$2,000 per day, and what I started with was a funny sum of 500 bucks! It`s easy to join , just click this link http://wasygole.freewaywebhost.com/arotek.html and lucky you`re! Let`s take our chance together to feel the smell of real money
Good day, sun shines! There have were times of troubles when I felt unhappy missing knowledge about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright pessimistic person. I have never imagined that there weren't any need in large starting capital. Now, I'm happy and lucky , I begin take up real money. It gets down to choose a correct companion who utilizes your funds in a right way - that is incorporate it in real deals, parts and divides the profit with me.
You may get interested, if there are such firms? I have to answer the truth, YES, there are. Please get to know about one of them: [url=http://theblogmoney.com] Online investment blog[/url]
Hello everyone! I would like to burn a theme at here. There is such a thing, called HYIP, or High Yield Investment Program. It reminds of financial piramyde, but in rare cases one may happen to meet a company that really pays up to 2% daily not on invested money, but from real profits.
For several years , I make money with the help of these programs. I'm with no money problems now, but there are heights that must be conquered . I get now up to 2G a day , and my first investment was 500 dollars only. Right now, I managed to catch a guaranteed variant to make a sharp rise . Turn to my web site to get additional info.
Good day, sun shines! There have were times of troubles when I didn't know about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright pessimistic person. I have never thought that there weren't any need in big initial investment. Now, I feel good, I begin take up real money. It gets down to select a proper partner who utilizes your funds in a right way - that is incorporate it in real deals, parts and divides the profit with me.
You can get interested, if there are such firms? I'm obliged to answer the truth, YES, there are. Please be informed of one of them: http://theinvestblog.com [url=http://theinvestblog.com]Online Investment Blog[/url]
I have never been a huge fan of social networking sites. I agree that they can be beneficial, but a lot of the times they are just a hassle. The only site I've been using as of late is Facebook. Facebook has it's upsides, I can always see when a favorite band is playing or what my friends are up to. However, it can also be really annoying with how much spam you get on a daily basis. Facebook is a great site for promoting businesses, especially if you offer an incentive. For example, become my friend on Facebook for a chance to win something, or get a coupon, etc. That kind of things works well, and people from then on would get your posts. Seth had a great point when he describes social networking on the web as a "giant cocktail party" it is your business's chance to get out there, spread the word and make acquaintances. Seth is right in his opinion that in order for social networking to benefit your business, your networking must be "real." Make sure you are actually using your account to represent your business not you.
Facebook is the only social networking site that I use on a regular basis. It is clean and simple, and I living 2000 miles from where I grew up it is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends.
I’ve noticed that some people advertise quite regularly on Facebook. Some have site specific pages and then you can become a friend or fan of their business. Others simply try to become your friend on Facebook that work with you in the same industry. I think this makes it difficult in some ways to advertise your business. What is said between me and my real friends is not always what I want customers and colleagues seeing. However, I also see the benefit in that it is a quick way to communicate and stay in touch. I believe this is why LinkedIn came in and created a site that is strictly business. This site is not very user friendly or dynamic and gets boring quickly.
I agree that having thousands of friends on Facebook does little good in the real world of business. Even something as simple as asking my friends to fill out a quick survey for a class was almost impossible. I have over 80 friends and only 2 responded after posting 7 times that I needed help with my school and that it would only take 10 minutes out of their day. If this is the help I get for this, what kind of business can really be done? I also agree with what he says about it being a gateway to interpersonal contact. This makes sense, and if it does help in this way, then social networking is not a complete loss in the business world.
# What Social Networking sites do you visit/use? I only use Facebook.
# What do you think about it? I like it, my only complaint is that they keep changing the layout of the site and it gets annoying that every few months the layout changes. I understand that they have to keep it fresh, but many other users complain that the layout keeps changes and the changes are not always well received. # How could you use it for promoting your business? You could make a Facebook group promoting your business, a Facebook fan page and get as many people and friends to become a fan of your business, the more you have the more business you should theoretically get
# Quoting at least two different comments from Seth's video and blog:
* What do you think about his ideas? I completely agree with his assessment that Facebook would only be an effective tool for your business if you have lots of Facebook friends with which you "exchange worthwhile ideas" otherwise, like Seth said it's worthless to have so many Facebook friends that may or may not support your business with business of their own. I also found it interesting that he said that hits to a website does not necessarily translate into income from your business, I would think that hits would at least generate interest and social interaction advertisement for one's business. For example, one person visits a site, buys nothing from the site but mentions the site to a friend who then visits the site and buys something, etc.
* What is the proper way to use Social Networking for business? According to Seth you have to make be able to make Facebook friends who "exchange worthwhile ideas" with you as a means to properly use social networking sites.
The social networking sites that I use include Facebook and Twitter. I have accounts on other sites as well but Facebook is my primary site for keeping in touch with friends and acquaintances and Twitter is my primary site for following blogs and organizations. I find them both highly useful for their respective purposes. Facebook allows you to categorize your ‘Friends’ into relevant groupings through their ‘Lists’ feature. Facebook then allows you to customize which content you send to and receive from these groups. Twitter has a character limit for postings which keeps blog and organization postings concise and to-the-point. I can use Facebook for my business by using it to see which ‘Friends’ (those starting new business ventures or those working on political campaigns) might need web development services. I can use my social network for early advertising of my services, to find my first few clients, and to build my reputation and portfolio. Seth Godin is an articulate and clever writer. He phrases things in ways that one might not expect and encourages readers to think outside the box. From his blog, the following comment made an impression: “The only thing worse than coming in second place in the race for student council president is... winning.” The comment is interesting because it emphasizes Godin’s point that all activity and effort should be directed toward meaningful goals. Many people in high school become focused on goals for the wrong reasons and work toward things they might not really want. This point also speaks to Godin’s video comment which I paraphrase: “The internet is like a giant cocktail party… What really matters is, ‘Where are the real relationships?’… The internet allows a whole lot of fake networking to take place.” This comment also emphasizes substance and purposeful activity over getting noticed and misdirected activity. Using social networking sites to cultivate real and meaningful relationships is the proper way to use social networking for business.
Online auctions I visit and use frequently are eBay, Amazon and Craig list. I actually sell books in Amazon and in the past I have sold electronics. Amazon is very simple to operate and the feedback system that they have, in my opinion is fair and useful. Also, unlike eBay, Amazon is much easier to navigate I think.
EBay is a great auction site but I don’t really like the fact that they get you with fees even if you item doesn’t sell. At least that was the case a while ago when I listed a few items on the site. I used the site now mostly to buy things.
Craigslist is great to find great deals!. I feel very comfortable in this site because I like to negotiate and I because I can narrow the search to a specific city, it makes it easier sometimes to just meet face to face with people.
As far as using this sites for my business, I feel Craigslist is a great place to advertise. You can set up an account with them and post as many ads, provided you follow their guidelines so you don’t get flagged! I have already open an account and I am testing it with a couple of ads . I like Amazon, too. It attracts a lot of traffic and I think some paid advertisement on this site is a very good idea.
I think the feedback system that eBay and Amazon have in place put a lot of control on who the customer wants to buy from within their websites. This feature makes customer feel that they have some control. It’s a big plus for the customer and for the websites. Craigslist also has a system where the buyer can flag an ad that is out of place or compliance. This feature also gives the buyer some form of control and it is good for both buyers and seller. Oh and for the company, too!
The original social networking site I used was based in Salt Lake City, Utah called the Lower Lights BBS (Bulletin Board System). I would dial in to the service via modem. Lower Lights provided text-based chat with other users. Each user had a public activity log and a journal space. When the web became available a user could connect via telnet and link to private web pages.
I have used WordPress, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, Bebo, DeviantART, Flixster, Flickr, Friendster, Skype, LiveJournal, Ning, LDS.net, Xanga, and Yammer as well as any of the Target, Wal-Mart, Macy’s Best Buy, Fry’s, and Geeks.com sites that I have registered with and actively write reviews of products.
I intend to use social networking and SEO techniques to expand the number of people who visit my web design service website. I also intend to use it to earn additional revenue through advertising and linkage to other sites. An effective tool is Google Ad Sense, where you are paid per click when people visit an advertised website from your web page..
Seth Godin’s Purple Cow was required reading for a previous course. The application of his ideas to marketing principles is revolutionary. A great example marked in his post, Do marketers have assets, conveys the idea that assets in marketing are represented by the ideal scenarios marketers are looking for (i.e. Building a brand people can trust, permission marketing, etc.) Sure, there are expenses associated with the acquisition of these ideals but the rewards can be far greater than the expense. In this case, it is harder to measure the difference between monetary and physical assets and idealistic assets.
Something a professor once told me stuck with me. “Despite yourself, your business is successful – are you okay with that?” Meaning, what you are doing is working well for you at that time, but it definitely leaves room for improvement. Social networking used properly is the ideal environment to ask this question. You can post advertisements everywhere, you can send out mass spam mail, you can do virtually anything “inside the code” to get more hits to a web site, but is it optimized to create the best possible image for your company? No matter how much you post, no matter how well you optimize your site for search engines… there is always more. Websites are organic in their development; they need contributions from people to help them grow. In today’s web-based world, taking the time to grow your business and optimize the way you promote your site is the best use of your company’s time and resources.
Social Networking:
The social networking sites that I currently use are Facebook and Blackberry Messenger (BBM), that is an instant message service for blackberry users only.
I think that Facebook and BBM are both valuable to keeping relationships, especially distant, ongoing and up to date. Facebook help re-kindle old relationships and BBM helps current relationships grow. I believe that both of them are a great way of establishing better understanding of others around you.
To use either of these for my business probably wouldn’t help much. Facebook can help get the word out about my business by making a “Fan” page and give live updates. Other than that, there is not much it could provide for my business. It wouldn’t hurt it though. As for BBM, it wouldn’t help much either considering I can only talk to current Blackberry users. If all my colleagues had one then maybe it would help to keep e-mail and phone calls limited.
From Seth’s video, I like the idea of “real relationships.” Going so far as to say a friend on Facebook isn’t really your friend. I get what he is saying but most people don’t aren’t always looking for random friends on Facebook. Keeping it simple and having these friends are because you have real relationships. Also, “ Real relationships, People out there I would go out of the way for and they would for me,” isn’t that an extended assumption of the famous golden rule? I believe in it and use it to the best of my abilities since elementary school.
I believe the proper way to use social networking for business is to establish the relationships as Seth was mentioning. Become interested in people that are interested in you. Do a favor for someone that could provide you with some beneficiary.
Social Networking & Seth Godin’s bio and blog-
What Social Networking sites do you visit/use?
I have been avoiding it up until now, however I looked at “Meetup” and found it interesting.
Quoting at least two different comments from Seth's video and blog:
o What do you think about his ideas?
From the video: He says facebook, or twitter it is worthless, because out of all the “friends” you have on these, they’re not really your friends. He says, “Social networking is always useful, when it’s real, and always a useless distraction when it’s fake”.
I have been invited to join facebook by a multitude of people, but I only remembered who one of them was, and was never inspired to join.
He asks, “Where are the real relationships?”
This is just common sense. I agree that there is no reason for me to network with people I hardly know, through a facebook or twitter type of social networking model, if my aim is to improve my business.
In his blog he has an entry titled the “Unclicking 84%”, and another titled “Some people are better than others”. “The challenge, then is to look for cues that people give you that they are better, and then cater to them.”
Both of these blog entries address the idea of using internet advertising, to reach a specific market. Those people who would be interested in what you have to sell.
Again, this is just common sense. Targeting your market has been taught in business classes for decades.
o What is the proper way to use Social Networking for business?
Figure out who and where the “better” people are, and social network aimed specifically at those people.
Especially for my type of business, there are forms of social networking that would be extremely beneficial. I remembered one of my students talking about “meetup”, and thought this would be a perfect way for me to begin. I am thinking of starting my own meetup group that would meet at the dance studio, on the night that I have classes. I also believe there are other types of social networking forums that could have great potential for me. Especially those related to singles, or even couples who are already active socially, and want to dance, or may already be out dancing but want to improve their skills. Maybe a “professionals” networking group would prove useful as these are the people who can afford more “extras” generally.
Creating my own blog could be very useful. I could provide a service to the dance community, such as a calendar of events or dance venues in town, making this a good resource for people, and giving them a reason to check my blog regularly. This would keep me on their minds, and they would share this valuable resource with their friends, etc etc. Seth mentions this type of networking in the blog titled “First Ten”.
Also this one from Seth:
Attention is fine, as long as you have a goal that is reached in exchange for all this effort.
Far better than being noticed:
• Trusted
• Engaged with
• Purchased from
• Discussed
• Echoed
• Teaching us
• Leading
Lastly, “Opt In, Opt Out”. I do not like the idea of spam, and have used email very few times to reach my student base. I do think it would be good for me to at least send an email, and provide the easy “opt out” link so many have, but Seth’s blog makes me question this.
In high school, the most popular online chat and communication was MSN messenger. We would sign online and gossip and chat with all of our friends we had added. Since then, social networking sites consist of extensive photo albums, pictures with tags, mobile uploads, photo comments, private or public messages, blog posts, bulletins, customized layouts including colorful templates, music, applications, and videos. It’s unreal. The entire social network has blossomed into a mass form of entertainment.
Myspace was my first networking for friends. But now, I find myself transitioning to Facebook. I think the main reason is more people are on Facebook. I have aunts, uncles, cousins, close friends, distant friends, and my Grammy even has a page. Listening to Seth Godin, I have learned the actual value of these networks if they are used properly. This is one secret to a business success to create real relationships by “exchanging worthwhile ideas” and it’s to consider and keep track of “are there people out there who I would go out of my way for, and who would go out of their way for me? .. And how you get there is by going out of your way for them, and earning the privilege of one day having that connection be worthwhile.”
Learning the value of social networking can have on business, I think that using Facebook to promote a business is genius. This is because many of the restaurant owners know one another, social networks are a powerful way to relay messages and be externally linked to our website. I think becoming a member to Facebook for some businesses may be more successful than others, but I am willing put the time into it to generate business after the refined website is completed.
I have been using Ebay for over 10 years and have sold thousands of items. I focus on the collectibles aspect of the site. What I like about the site is that I have a marketplace that is international in scope. I also buy relics for my intellectual property company.
I do not use Graigslist.com as I am under the impression that it has generated bad press, and I do not want to deal locally with my products.
I do recommend the list for people who are selling large items.
The main selling tip that I follow
is using correctly spelled keywords. With such keywords, you may not know the value of your items but your costumer does.
In conclusion, EBAY is a God-send
and I am proud to be a ebayer.
Hi !.
You re, I guess , probably curious to know how one can make real money .
There is no initial capital needed You may commense earning with as small sum of money as 20-100 dollars.
AimTrust is what you need
The company incorporates an offshore structure with advanced asset management technologies in production and delivery of pipes for oil and gas.
It is based in Panama with affiliates around the world.
Do you want to become a happy investor?
That`s your chance That`s what you wish in the long run!
I`m happy and lucky, I started to get real money with the help of this company,
and I invite you to do the same. If it gets down to select a correct companion who uses your funds in a right way - that`s AimTrust!.
I earn US$2,000 per day, and my first investment was 500 dollars only!
It`s easy to get involved , just click this link http://nekibiwyri.the-best-free-web-hosting.com/atutyf.html
and lucky you`re! Let`s take our chance together to become rich
Good day !.
might , probably curious to know how one can manage to receive high yields .
There is no need to invest much at first. You may begin earning with as small sum of money as 20-100 dollars.
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Good day, sun shines!
There have were times of troubles when I didn't know about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright pessimistic person.
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I have never been a huge fan of social networking sites. I agree that they can be beneficial, but a lot of the times they are just a hassle. The only site I've been using as of late is Facebook.
Facebook has it's upsides, I can always see when a favorite band is playing or what my friends are up to. However, it can also be really annoying with how much spam you get on a daily basis.
Facebook is a great site for promoting businesses, especially if you offer an incentive. For example, become my friend on Facebook for a chance to win something, or get a coupon, etc. That kind of things works well, and people from then on would get your posts.
Seth had a great point when he describes social networking on the web as a "giant cocktail party" it is your business's chance to get out there, spread the word and make acquaintances.
Seth is right in his opinion that in order for social networking to benefit your business, your networking must be "real." Make sure you are actually using your account to represent your business not you.
Facebook is the only social networking site that I use on a regular basis. It is clean and simple, and I living 2000 miles from where I grew up it is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends.
I’ve noticed that some people advertise quite regularly on Facebook. Some have site specific pages and then you can become a friend or fan of their business. Others simply try to become your friend on Facebook that work with you in the same industry. I think this makes it difficult in some ways to advertise your business. What is said between me and my real friends is not always what I want customers and colleagues seeing. However, I also see the benefit in that it is a quick way to communicate and stay in touch. I believe this is why LinkedIn came in and created a site that is strictly business. This site is not very user friendly or dynamic and gets boring quickly.
I agree that having thousands of friends on Facebook does little good in the real world of business. Even something as simple as asking my friends to fill out a quick survey for a class was almost impossible. I have over 80 friends and only 2 responded after posting 7 times that I needed help with my school and that it would only take 10 minutes out of their day. If this is the help I get for this, what kind of business can really be done? I also agree with what he says about it being a gateway to interpersonal contact. This makes sense, and if it does help in this way, then social networking is not a complete loss in the business world.
# What Social Networking sites do you visit/use?
I only use Facebook.
# What do you think about it?
I like it, my only complaint is that they keep changing the layout of the site and it gets annoying that every few months the layout changes. I understand that they have to keep it fresh, but many other users complain that the layout keeps changes and the changes are not always well received.
# How could you use it for promoting your business?
You could make a Facebook group promoting your business, a Facebook fan page and get as many people and friends to become a fan of your business, the more you have the more business you should theoretically get
# Quoting at least two different comments from Seth's video and blog:
* What do you think about his ideas?
I completely agree with his assessment that Facebook would only be an effective tool for your business if you have lots of Facebook friends with which you "exchange worthwhile ideas" otherwise, like Seth said it's worthless to have so many Facebook friends that may or may not support your business with business of their own.
I also found it interesting that he said that hits to a website does not necessarily translate into income from your business, I would think that hits would at least generate interest and social interaction advertisement for one's business. For example, one person visits a site, buys nothing from the site but mentions the site to a friend who then visits the site and buys something, etc.
* What is the proper way to use Social Networking for business?
According to Seth you have to make be able to make Facebook friends who "exchange worthwhile ideas" with you as a means to properly use social networking sites.
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