Sunday, April 29, 2007

Good design resource: Smashing Magazine

This site is an awesome design resources:

Particularly, this article, 35 designers x 5 questions, pointed me to an excellent book, which I read in one sitting:

Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug.

This guy, Steve Krug, is a usability expert. He's funny, brief, and most importantly, he quickly shows you how to make any site you design/develop/work on more user-friendly.


Don said...

Both of these are great suggestions. For those who are serious about becoming in demand Web developers or, who want to make their own sites attractive and easy to navigate a serious study or usability is a must, despite it's tendency to produce yawns. It's great to see a book that approaches the topic with a sense of humor.

Jennifer at Stopover Travel said...

For my final project, I will do option 1. The business will be Stopover Travel. Although I have next to no experience with computers other than this class, I hope you like the ficticious business idea I created. I encourage any feedback as I am just learning. - Jennifer Boyden