Saturday, April 28, 2007

Final Project Proposals

I thought I would start a new thread to post our proposals to. I thought I had already submitted mine, but I couldn't find it.

I'm in the process of creating a dynamic site using PHP and MySQL to list all available childcare resources in Southern California. The static part of the site is mostly finished, but I'm still in the process of building the database structure and the PHP scripting. If the site is not complete enough to constitute a final project at the end of the term, I have also prepared a business plan as a back up.


Shelsea said...

For my final project, I will be creating a web site based for a business called Inspired Education. We sell email packages of educational information to the specific interest of our clients.

Anonymous said...

I will be submitting a web site created for a small, virtual home business.

Nathan Bergsma said...

My site will be made for an already established antiques shop located in Maui. It will have a shopping cart (probably google checkout) and all the other good stuff required for the project.

Anonymous said...

I am going to create a website for a graphic design firm. I want to buy a flash template and create all my own images and copy for the site. I will also add extra HTML because i am learning how to work with that

Travis Brown

Island Shuffle said...

My final project will be

This site will let kids be able to create a page for games and get creative with themes and have links to their most favorite kid friendly sites. This site will let them create a theme and it will also have links for research for their homework. This site will have high restrictions for inappropriate sites and images.

Tyler Harden said...

For my final project, I will be expanding on our family business concept. What we presently do is buy property, build a shopping center, then keep it as the landlord. I want to expand on that thought and start a branch of brokering different commercial properties over Canada. Therefore my website will revolve around promoting this new division within the company. I think that it will help our company develop an image throughout the industry and increase our exposure tremendously.

Auto Extreme Inc. said...

My site will be auto extreme inc. Selling after-market parts for cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Since I'm a rider myself Motorcycles will be the number one items. Also, it a picture of the month featuring customer cars.

Stubborn said...

My final project will be on an online consulting e-business firm. The final project will be based on the storyboard and the mock-up. The storyboard was created using Microsoft Word, and mock-up was created using Photoshop and Illustrator, and the final will be created using Dreamweaver. Don, is the option still available to use space on the Miracosta Server for the creation of the final project?


matthew said...

I will be finishing the FantasyCardShop site for my final project.

guillermo said...

As a goal for the final project is to write a small review related to a topic in lung research, which will be included in my site.
I will make few changes following some of your suggestions, and if possible to include an active form.

Anonymous said...

I will be creating a new website and continuing on my idea of selling premier flavored powders for coffees and cocoas as well as cookies and more hopefully for profit.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the previous message about the cocoa, cookies, and coffee belongs to Audrey.

Anonymous said...

For my Final Project I plan to launch a new ecommerce site - from This it a totally new site will be created to sell fast and easy to use makeup kits designed for busy moms. Each kit has seven pieces and will take women from Play Dated to Date Night!

Anonymous said...

For my Final project I will be choosing option 1

Magda said...

My final project will be a site with illustrative images and quotes to strenght the kids and Moms in difficult times. In this site kids and Moms can express briefly their feelings with a specific sentimental affection and how they think their lives can be happier.Experineces from the readers can be helpful to relieve the pain of them and start with a new way to see their life. The purpose is to make easier the heavy load in the hearts of the most vulnerable persons and get conscious about the transcedence of our acts when we don't think with responsibility and compassion.

Crystal said...


I have been working on my site since the beginning of this semester. I have made
great progress, in that I have been able to structure my site in a manner that
is easy to browse, and have added important information on my business and the services
we offer. I plan to run a mobile computer help service, my e-business will offer informative
information on our services, and gain clients by collecting their information and asking what
services meet their needs. I will be working more on my sites template and making changes
as well as incorporating images, more interactive features, and some more of our logos (resized).

Thank you,

~Crystal Camarda~

JonnyDigitall said...

I will be creating my website structure with payment links included, but I will not have enough time to actually insert models, clothing, photos, etc, as none of our clothing and accessories are completely finished. I will use stand ins at the moment, but all of the links should work, including links to payment, shopping cart and anything else that I can get completed without the need for things that I do not have at the moment.

-Jon Goodlow

Don said...

Abi, what kind of home business?

Don said...

Todd, I need more details.

Janja Watson said...

My option would be number 3: changes to an existing webpage.
The existing page is at

I'm planning to update the logo, the homepage into a page with content, adding the shopping cart and check-out to the page. I'm currently trying to add a feedback form but for some reason Frontpage does not seem to be supported with many hosting services. Don, why is that?
I'll have slideshow on the homepage. I would really prefer to not post a privacy policy.

Janja (late start class)

Don said...

Shelsea - your business cocept sounds wonderful. Can't wait to see it.

Don said...

Nathan -- I already commented on your initial design. Looking forward to the final version.

Don said...
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Don said...

Travis -- templates are a great way to go for the designed challeged, which are most of us. Why reinvent the wheel? It's best to focus on what we do best. Studies have shown that one of the sure paths to financial independence is to have your own business. Unfortunately, only a few graphic artists can make the major money. Perhaps they are the ones designing templates.

Don said...

Sallie -- love the name kidzpage. Are you sure it's not already taken? Can't wait to see what you produce.

Don said...

Tyler -- Wow!! What an excellent family business. I'm really looking forward to seeing your site.

Don said...

autoextreme -- I need your name to give you credit for what sounds like a online business with great potential. Great business name, too.

Don said...

Alonzo -- you, and any other student that requests it, can use Web space on the school server. By when do you need to start having access? I need to re-obtain the information for you. They may need to set up a folder.

Don said...

CC -- can't wait to see your wonderful alternative to the Geek Squad. Building a great word-of-mouth reputation will be crucial to your success I imagine. A site that reflects that somehow should help you get off to a good start.

Don said...

Matthew -- looking forward to seeing your online card shop.

Don said...

Audrey -- the coffee and spice might work, but wouldn't the cookies have to have lots of preservatives, or are you going to bake to order. You have a lot of major competitors. How are you going to make yourself unique?

Don said...

Magda -- we all wish your altruistic business great success. What a lovely idea!

Don said...

Jon -- your Web design is very classy. Let's hope it brings you great success. Can't wait to see the real models and clothes you will be adding in the near future.

J05H said...
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J05H said...

My name is Josh Swanson and I am in the late start class. I will choose option two for my online business. The site will be about vegan foods and the name of the domain is There will be banners and donations on the website.

AbiStuder said...

I will be completing option one for a virtual home business that offers services from desktop publishing to organizational assistance. It will be a business run from home, with one employee - me. The website will be targeted towards small to large business owners as well as home business owners that need help but don’t have the resources for hiring a full or part time employee.

Jennifer at Stopover Travel said...

For my final project, I will do option 1. The business will be Stopover Travel. Although I have next to no experience with computers other than this class, I hope you like the fictitious business idea I created. I encourage any feedback as I am just learning. - Jennifer Boyden

corey h said...

I have decided that for my final project i will create an E-commerce business plan. The final product of the operation still seems to be a ways off but i think that assesing the pros and cons of an e-commerce site will give me the opportunity to do it right the first time. the business plan will help with this assesment and should prove to be a beneficial tool in the future. once the terms of evaluating business have been settled i can get my "work in progress" on the move.

Anonymous said...

My Final Project is completed. I did Option 1. It will be viewable soon at instead of which was taken. My host company is having difficulty but it should be up soon. Hope you like it.

Jennifer Boyden

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,

Hopefully, I have my problem solved with the host and my site will be up either tonight or early tomorrow morning. I hope you like it. I'd really like some constructive criticism. Looking forward to hearing from anyone.

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone,

My website is finally up. The hosting company finally fixed their problem. View it at Let me know what you think and what I could change to make it better.